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Both of my parents are buried at Woodhaven. Steve has gone above and beyond to help me in MANY ways. Words cannot express my appreciation of him when I needed someone, and still need someone.

William Walker

Steve did everything for me he could such a nice man he let me know how far along the bench was coming he let me know when it got there and then when it got there he wanted me to come out and make sure they placed it exactly how I wanted it placed.
Steve did everything for me he could such a nice man he let me know how far along the bench was coming he let me know when it got there and then when it got there he wanted me to come out and make sure they placed it exactly how I wanted it placed.

Janie Phillips

This funeral home has the most personable personnel of all the Funeral homes around this area. I have had my husband and 6 mo. OLD granddaughter services here and so supportive of family!!!

Patricia Butler Huett